
Simone Webb - search results

Simone Webb

Simone Webb (@SimoneWebbUCL) is a PhD student in Gender Studies at University College London, researching the early modern philosopher Mary Astell in conjunction with the later thought of Michel Foucault....


To view a contributors bio, click Hsiang-Yun Chen Hsiang-Yun Chen is an assistant research fellow at The Institute of European and American Studies (IEAS) at Academia Sinica and works primarily...


The Philosopher Queens: Why Two Ex-Philosophy Students are Crowdfunding for a Book on Women Philosophers Simone Webb Mary Wollstonecraft by Sandrine Bergès Harriet Taylor Mill by Helen McCabe Christine Ladd-Franklin by Sara Uckelman Mary Anne Evans by Clare Carlisle Edith Stein by Jae Hetterley...

Philosophy by the Public: A Response to David Johnson

...will give a two-part talk about a philosophical topic, broadly construed – recent sessions include Lucretius, well-being, Simone Weil, and tribalism – and at the end of each part pose...